Together, we are facing an unprecedented situation. COVID-19 is effecting not only our families, our communities, but also our businesses. We at MCC Drug & Alcohol Screening wanted to reach out and update our clients on how we are navigating the current environment, as well as provide you with the latest industry updates.

As an essential business, we continue to be committed to workplace safety through completing necessary drug and alcohol testing. The safety of our clients and our team members remains our top priority. We continue to monitor our processes in accordance with State and Federal recommendations. Our collectors are utilizing masks, gloves and proper disinfectants with every collection. We are limiting the number of people allowed in our waiting rooms so that we may adhere to social distancing recommendations.

On March 23rd the DOT Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance (ODAPC), provided guidance regarding the impact of COVID-19 as it relates to DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements. MCC will continue to maintain our normal business hours. To read the the the ODAPC statement in full, visit the link below.

Please contact our office with any questions or concerns you may have.